Friday 4 April 2014

Mobile Art Installation

For the mobile art installation group project my partners were Taylor and Kyleigh. We used pop cans on our mobile, we cut the cans up and so we could have a more rustic look. We noticed our cans fell into two different types of colours, we had our warm colours which were the reds and browns and our cold colours which were blues and greens. We seperated our warm and cold colours on our mobile, and in between the colours we had our focal point which was a styrofoam ball that had glued peices of cans sticking out. We had a hard time balacning out the cans on each side so it would be even but after playing with it for awhile we managed to balance it. Our theme is a rustic reclying, we loved how the cans were shiny and caught your eye really fast, it was the main reason why we choose cans.

1 comment:

  1. Morgan, I think your mobile turned out well and your group did some good problem solving in the process. I had hoped your reflection would include a mention of Alexander Calder, but I am pleased that you named the colours to demonstrate your understanding of warm and cool. You have a repeated grammar error called run on sentences. You need to put a period after each complete thought. See the rubric for notes.

    As for the portrait know I am looking for three images, right?
