Monday 17 February 2014

National Flag Day

  This is a photo of two hands with a maple leaf painted on them. I took this photo because I thought it really showed our school spirit, tons of students got maple leafs painted on their hands, the painters did a excellent job. When I PhotoShopped this photo I put on the black and white effect but faded it everywhere except for the bright red maple leaf, I wanted the maple leaves to stand out.

  I took this photo when all of our guests who represented our National Flag Day were entering the gym. We were honoured to have all of our guests join us on that day, I think it's very important to have a photo of them. When I PhotoShopped it I put on the black and white effect, the orignal photo had a lot of different colors so I decided to make it black and white so whoever looking at this photo can really take in the different people walking in the gym.

 This is a photo of a Lourdes student who is really showing school spirit. The main focus is his proud facial expression, but I also positioned him so I could capture the Canadian flag in the back of the photo, I faded everything except for the student because I wanted him as the main focus, but I also wanted a visible Canadian flag in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Morgan, you've done a great job on the post production work. I think the way you minimized the colour on everything except the red in photo #1 is really nice. The angle of the arms is very attractive and the red focal point is not dead centre. Good work.
    In photo #2 I would suggest that you could have cropped more off the top. There's a lot of wall that adds nothing. I'll show you a variation in class.
    Photo #3 is also very effective. Great focus and light on his face and nice downplay of the background. You did a good job seeing aspects of the event other than just the guest speaker. Well done.
